Contractors & Suppliers

A partnership with committed vendors and suppliers is just good business.

Business Ethics

MasTec Network Solutions, LLC is committed to the highest standards of business ethics and corporate compliance.

It is MasTec Network Solutions, LLC's policy to invest in integrity by dealing only with organizations that have similar ethical standards as our own as stated below. The purpose of this document is to give you a sense of our standards of conduct.


A basic component of MasTec Network Solutions, LLC's policy on business conduct is, of course, compliance with law. The MasTec Network Solutions, LLC group of companies and its employees are subject to and must comply with all applicable laws of the United States and the countries in which they do business. While some MasTec Network Solutions, LLC policies are based on the requirements of applicable law, others embody our company's broader commitment to ethical business conduct.

To Whom Does it Apply?

The new Vendor Management Organization (VMO) is founded on a culture of ethics, sense of urgency, accountability and results. For this reason, all new processes are mapped to specific Levels of Service and these Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) will be reported and tracked on a monthly basis. The team's leader will closely monitor variance, and the corresponding Corrective Actions and Preventative Actions (C.A.P.A.s) will be undertaken in order to make adjustments as required. Our Code of Conduct summarizes the standards of conduct that guide our actions and applies to all MasTec Network Solutions, LLC employees, and to members of the board of directors, agents, consultants, contract labor, and others when they are representing or acting for, or on behalf of, MasTec Network Solutions, LLC. We expect our partners, subcontractors, and suppliers worldwide to be guided by these principles as well. We seek out customers and partners who share our values and standards of conduct.

MasTec Network Solutions Contractor and Supplier Policies

For a copy of our current policies please click on the Adobe icon below.

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“MasTec Network Solutions Contractor and Supplier Policies for 2024”